Love is very positive and strong emotion, but it remains as
long as there is freedom and acceptance for each other. I read somewhere that
LOVE IS LIKE WATER ON YOUR PALM. It will stay there as long as your palm is
open. The moment you try to grab the water it will slip from there and you will
remain empty handed. So you can say that love is just the extension of these
two. When there is freedom for each other and the acceptance for each other penetrates
deep into the heart the love evolves. And long as these things remain the love
remains and also grows to the infinity. The more you give freedom closer you
will be and stronger will be the bond. It gives you energy, satisfaction and
happiness. And when your love becomes divine you find yourself in the bliss.
And on the contrary hate and anger are lack of acceptance
and freedom. Lower will be the level of acceptance higher will be the level of
hate and anger. So things are so relative. But the line is very thin so we
forget the individuality of each other so easily and finally that love
disappears. We left with empty hand.
Therefore we should respect the freedom of others. We should
expand our hearts so that we can grow the level of acceptance. After that the
world will be better place to live…..
And also keep smile…
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