Sunday, 25 November 2018

Give and Take

Image credit : Pixa Bay

There is a quote by Maya Angelou, which says- 
"I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver".
How it is possible. While most of the times after giving we feel anxious, when we don't get the acknowledgement or anything in return for what we give. We keep thinking that, what I get after all that giving. This defeats the whole purpose of giving.
So, what should be the approach about giving and how can we feel better after giving or how can we liberate our soul.

We the answer lies in the very old indian say..  "नेकी कर, कुयें में डाल।" Which means "Do good and forget".
Let me explain in detail that what does it mean. It means, that when we give or part with anything, we should not expect anything in return. Don't keep any attachment to that. Then only you get liberation from giving. Do you remember the feeling you get after feeding some stray animal(s). That makes you happy because you don't expect any kind of favour or anything in return.
But, when we do anything to someone we know, we keep some hidden desire that he recognise that or some time he also give something in return of that favour you do to him or her. And this is the foundation of your disappointment.
Expectations and attachments are the main cause of disappointment or any kind of misery in life. And when your giving is not free from these two things, that giving can not liberate you or give you peace in your heart.
So, before giving prepare your heart and conscience, make them free from attachment and expectations and enjoy the pleasure of giving.
Without this, giving is just another pain.

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Thanks a lot

Saturday, 15 September 2018

Do it, because you should.

We all work in some place and we all have deadlines to meet. Some of us meet our deadlines and some of even beat them. But few failed and become centerof attraction but in a negative way.
So let us discuss that what happens when we don't  meet our deadlines.

Firstly, we feel bad for ourselves that we could not finish something on time. We question ourselves that are we not efficient enough to do the job.

Second, In the eyes of management somewhere be create a negative image and if we repeat this behaviour we solidify this notion about ourselves.

Third, our colleagues may try to put you down and may fuel the situation against you. There are few who will give you a helping hand but most of the people  try to move ahead by letting you fall and even accelerating the process.

So, what should be do?

The answer is quite simple and the only solution to the problem. That is that we should try to make an strategy and stick to that till the desired goal is achieved. It requires inspiration.

So the point is that, what inspires us. The desire to respond to the negative behaviour of colleagues or the negative workplace politics. Or our desire to work efficiently and within the scheduled timeframe. That will be your contribution in creating a happy workplace environment.

The first is reaction. We should avoid that. Because, negativity attracts negativity. That may give you desired result and give you upper hand but there will always be something which keep your workplace in silent chaos.

On the other hand if we are inspired by the thought that I will be organised and will stick to my strategy and time frame because I should be, then it will be a better option. Because positive attitude always keeps our core calm. And if our core is calm no one can affect our peace and we will automatically become a performer. We should not work to seek anybody's approval or to show off that we are better than anyone.

So, friends I would like to say good bye for now. See you later. Thanks for coming here. Please share and support my blog. Thanks a lot.
Good night, good life. Keep coming.

Monday, 20 August 2018

One simple rule for happy Relationship or friendship

What we need to have a perfect life?

If one has to answer without thinking then he or she might say that a good spacious home, a comfortable car and lots of investments. But, after pondering for some time we will realize that everything else is of no use if don't have good relationship with the people surrounding us or with the family. Because we humans are social creature.

We need people for everything. We need family and friends to celebrate our achievements or to share our sorrows.

This is not a new thing to tell you. We all know that and we all have family and friends. But, several times we find ourselves alone even if we have everyone around us. We find out that nothing is working now while everything was working perfectly earlier.

Why so? Let's find out the reason and the  solution.

I will recite and old story which most of us have heard. You only need to relate it with what I am going say next. You can also skip reading story.


There was a man who had a hen. That hen used to lay a golden egg every day. Every thing was going fine, men was getting everything of his use with the help of that hen and he was also getting wealthier every day. But, one day greed entered in his mind and he lost his reason. So he decided to kill that hen and took all the golden eggs from its stomach which he thought it had in its tommy. But, the result was obvious, the hen died and he also ended his source of livelihood.

So, end of story, now get back to our life. Same thing we do with our relationship. Our relationship are like hen. It gives us several happy moments everyday, which we can use to counter our daily stress and when there is no stress we can lead a very great life which no money can buy.
But, then enters greed. Instead of enjoying those sever happy moments we start exploiting our relationship. We start expecting that our relationship should make us happy all the time. If it doesn't happen then we start blaming each other and finally ruin our relationship.

So, what can we do?

Just don't be greedy. Because, when we become greedy we lose our reason, and started to exploit our relationship. We need to understand that no relationship can exist if you try to control it. It is like holding water in your hand. It will stay as long as you give it the freedom to stay on your palm. It will live, as long as you don't put any kind of pressure of your expectations. It will give you several moment to cherish to celebrate. But, the only limitation is, that you can not force those moments to happen.

So just savour your relationship or your friendship. Let it lay the golden egg on its own. Before expecting anything feed it, take good care of it. This is the only rule you need to follow to make your relationship work.

Another important thing is that one can not change in a blink of an eye. Just after reading this blog or listening any podcast or watching any video, things will not change. For change we need to put constant efforts. So start practicing in this direction and thing will change for good for sure, if not already good.

Wish you all the best. And please like share and subscribe to my blog and wish me luck. Thanks a lot in advance.

If you have any question, then please ask. Sometime I really help. So you are most welcome. 

Thanks again. See ya. Please subscribe and share.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Exceptions should be the rule!!!

Image credit: Google image Their are three kind of people in this world. Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened. Its a very famous quote. So, my question is about the third kind of people. Who either wonders or deny outrightly that it is not possible and will level that result of hard work of some one as fake. They will also blame to other people, and conditions for their failures or miserable life. When you will say that look at that man he conquered all the adversities of life and succeeded , they will promptly say, "EXCEPTIONS ARE NOT RULES." Well this is another quote, probably made by another third kind of man for the other third kind of man, so that he never fall short of good friends. Because this unproven rule gives you chance to relax by beleiving that those who have done exceptional in their life are someone who are very dear to God, so he gave them some exceptional powers. They beleive this without doing even a single thing like the so called exceptions, and gradually they will get old and will die wasting whole life complaing about the world. When they become old they will make their age another excuse. They will say that "Now I am old. What can I do now." For those people there is a very beautiful quote. "You don't get old by numbers, You get old by not doing activities." Yes someone said very rightly, that inactivity make us old, otherwise there are several examples, in the world, of old people where they are doing great things and defying their age. For you that may be miracle or some thing very extraordinary, but for them that is natural. Because they have been doing those exceptional things for their whole life. Well I too should stop complaining.. Now the question is that how can be become exception rather than wondering that how someone is so great. The answer is quite simple. We need to make an strategy and work on that un till we reach our goal. So, the first step is to introspect. Find out that what did not workout for us. Stop doing that or do that differently. Second, whoever you say is an exception, find out about his/her lifestyle. See what they do and how do they do. Learn those things and inculcate those habits in your life. If now exactly the same than with some modifications. Third, consistency is the key. Without consistency and dedication everything else is of no use. Fourth, Faith.. If you are doing thing correctly and in a proper manner then things should worked out for you. Your efforts will give you result for sure. So, sometimes, even if you don't get the desired result, you need to keep going. There is a say.. "WHEN GOING GETS TOUGH, THE TOUGH GETS GOING." Still, if you don't get the desired outcome, you need to look again. Checkout if there is some change or modifications are required. Improvise your strategy and take some rest for a while and again get back to work. Fifth and last, Stop complaining. I think these five things are the key points to change life or anything. Have Faith in yourself. You are the creator of your own feature. Because.. Even God helps those who helps themselves. Now. I would say Namaste. Best wishes for everyone who have reached this far. Please like share and subscribe. Thanks a lot.

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Detachment is luxury, Attachment is prison.

Few years ago I read a story of "Lota Baba". Today I want to share it with everyone. There was a sanyasi, who was known as Lota Baba, because the only thing he carries with him was a lota. Lota is a pot which is used in India to drink water. He was very happy with that because that lota was the only thing he had to worry about, and he used to think that he is the most detached person. Then one fine day he saw was on the river bank and he noticed that a dog came and drank water without the lota or any other pot. At that point he realised that even that lota is bothering him. He has to take care of that lota all the time. So he took inspiration from that dog and throw that lota at once. Now he doesn't need to bother even of that lota and he was completely free from every attachment. So, after reading this story you don't need to throw everything you have. All you need to do is that get rid of the attachment to the material things. You must realize that things are to be used, and nothing is going to stay with you forever. The only thing which you will carry with yourself is the understanding of life which you gain with awareness. When you are detached you live a peaceful life. One the other hand any kind of attachment took all your peace of mind away. You are worried and you are behind invisible bars. Detachment gives you liberty and freedom. And there is no bigger luxury than freedom. But detachment doesn't mean that you should leave all your responsibilities and forget everything. Detachment only means to live a life like a Lotus stays in water. It blossoms in water and if you don't pluck it out it stays there. But no amount of water can touch it. So you can discharge all your worldly responsibilities and at the same time you can stay detached from the world. The purpose of your life will be to gain the meaning and purpose of life. Which ultimately results in salvation. But, to get rid of attachments is not that simple. It is not like that you read my post or some other book, or you listen the discourse of some enlightened master and another moment you are detached from the world. It requires practice, or sadhna. Just have patience and keep learning. Stay aware. Awareness is the key to every divine understanding an knowledge. Namaste for now. Please share my post and subscribe my blog. Thanks a lot.

Friday, 2 February 2018

Why we get hurt.

Whenever anyone say something about us, it affects us. If the thing is good we feel better and if it is bad, we get hurt. Most of the times people say bad things and we get hurt, and other way around we only worry about the bad things said about us and want people to say good things only. But do you want to know that why we get hurt?

The reason is our nature that we want to listen good things about us while we focus on bad things only. Even if we focus on bad things we don't look into the reality of anyone's allegations. This makes us vulnerable. And our vulnerability is the only reason that we get hurt.

How can we stop this?

Well, we are not here to please any one neither are others here to always be happy with us. So, first of all stop seeking certificates from everyone to approve your personality.

Just have faith in yourself. But at the same time introspect time to time. If you are not here to please everyone then you are not here to hurt either. So, don't do anything with anyone which you don't like for yourself. Everything else will automatically be fine.

And finally, when you are very conscious about people saying bad things about you, you should look, if they are true. If they are then you should take note of them and work to refine your personality.

I hope you like my suggestions. Please take care of yourself and don't worry too much. Life is too short. Be happy and keep searching your consciousness. The more you conscious or aware, more life you will feel inside you.

Have a nice day and nice life.

Please share, comment and subscribe if nor already.

Saturday, 6 January 2018

नए का भय या मस्तिष्क की चाल?

जब भी हम कुछ नया शुरू करते हैं या नया करने का प्रयास करते हैं तो हमारे मस्तिष्क में डर पहले पैदा हो जाता है/ और कई बार ये डर हमारी असफलता का कारण बन जाता है और कई बार इस डर के कारण हम कोई नयी शुरुआत ही नहीं कर पाते हैं/ किन्तु प्रश्न ये उठता है कि क्या यह डर वास्तविक है? क्या हम सच में सक्षम नहीं होते है? आइये इस वारे में आगे बात करते हैं/

मेरा मानना है कि हम सब जब कोई नयी शुरुआत करने का विचार करते हैं तो हमारे पास वो काम करने की क्षमता होती है, या फिर हम उस क्षमता को अर्जित करने की क्षमता होती है/ मेरा कहने का तात्पर्य है कि हम अधिकांशतः अपने ज्ञान और अपनी क्षमताओं के अनुसार ही किसी उद्दयम का चयन करते हैं/ अतः हमारे डर का कोई कारण नहीं होता है/ फिर भी हमारे मस्तिष्क में डर उत्पन्न होता है, उस का क्या कारण है? और उपाय क्या है? (जानने के लिए अंत तक पढ़ें)

नए के डर का कारण/

एक पुरानी कहाबत है कि-
आपका मस्तिष्क एक अच्छा सेवक है
किंतु एक बुरा स्वामी है।

और हमारे डर का कारण हमारे द्वारा अपने मस्तिष्क को स्वामी बन जाने देना है/ जब हमारा मस्तिष्क स्वामी बन जाता है तो वह हमेशा हमें उन्ही कामों को आकर्षित कराता है जो हमें क्षणिक आनंद कि अनुभूति कराते हैं/ और जिन कामों में मस्तिष्क को विचार करना होता है या कोई परिश्रम करना होता है उन कामों से ये सदैव बचने के उपाय ढूंढता रहता है/ कभी ये हमें आलसी बना देता है या कभी हमारे अन्दर अविश्वास पैदा करने के लिए पुरानी असफलताओं की घटनाओं को संकलित करके रख देता है/  और सबसे बड़ा अस्त्र जिसका प्रयोग ये करता है वो है डर/

प्रायः हमें डर उन चीजों से लगता है जिनसे हम अनभिज्ञ होते हैं/  और उस डर को हम उन चीजों को जानकर समझकर दूर कर सकते हैं/ किन्तु हमारा मस्तिष्क ना ही जानना चाहता है और ना ही उन चीजों को जानने और समझने के लिए प्रेरित नहीं करता है/ वल्कि ये अपने ही अन्दर सुरक्षित सूचनाओं को संकलित करके हमारे समक्ष इस प्रकार प्रस्तुत करत है जैसे कि वो नया काम या उद्दयम हमारी क्षमता से बहुत ही बड़ा है और हमारे लिए असाध्य है/ इस प्रकार हम उस और प्रयास बंद कर देते हैं और ये हमें उन नयी  चीजों से अनजान बनाये रखता है और डर कायम रखता है। इस प्रकार मन परिश्रम से बाख जाता है और हमें क्षद्म वस्तुओं और घटनाओं में फसे रहने देता है/

इसका उपाय क्या है?

इसका उपाय है धीरे धीरे स्वामी बनें मस्तिष्क को सेवक बनाना है/ जब भी हम कोई नया उद्दयम या अपने उन्नति के लिए नए प्रयास शुरू करें तो हमें कार्य शुरू होने से पहले अपनी क्षमताओं औए अपने ज्ञान का इमानदारी से आंकलन कर लेना चाहिए/ और उसके बाद उसकी पूर्ती के लिए  अपने प्रयास शुरू कर देने चाहिए/ और शुरू करने के बाद मन के छलावों में ना आकर मस्तिष्क को काम पर लगने के लिए प्रेरित करना चाहिए/ जब भी अनजान वस्तू या कार्य का डर उत्पन्न हो तो हमें उस कार्य को जानने का प्रयास शुरू करने चाहिए जिससे हमारा डर दूर हो जायेगा?
हमारे अन्दर विश्वास उत्पन्न होगा/ और सफलता कि प्राप्ति होगी/

कृपया मेरी इस पोस्ट को शेयर अवश्य करें/ धन्यवाद

You suffer more, when you are angry..

What did I learn today, I will tell you in short. I was listening to Sadguru, and he was explaining about the implications of anger.. ...