Thursday, 15 March 2018

Detachment is luxury, Attachment is prison.

Few years ago I read a story of "Lota Baba". Today I want to share it with everyone. There was a sanyasi, who was known as Lota Baba, because the only thing he carries with him was a lota. Lota is a pot which is used in India to drink water. He was very happy with that because that lota was the only thing he had to worry about, and he used to think that he is the most detached person. Then one fine day he saw was on the river bank and he noticed that a dog came and drank water without the lota or any other pot. At that point he realised that even that lota is bothering him. He has to take care of that lota all the time. So he took inspiration from that dog and throw that lota at once. Now he doesn't need to bother even of that lota and he was completely free from every attachment. So, after reading this story you don't need to throw everything you have. All you need to do is that get rid of the attachment to the material things. You must realize that things are to be used, and nothing is going to stay with you forever. The only thing which you will carry with yourself is the understanding of life which you gain with awareness. When you are detached you live a peaceful life. One the other hand any kind of attachment took all your peace of mind away. You are worried and you are behind invisible bars. Detachment gives you liberty and freedom. And there is no bigger luxury than freedom. But detachment doesn't mean that you should leave all your responsibilities and forget everything. Detachment only means to live a life like a Lotus stays in water. It blossoms in water and if you don't pluck it out it stays there. But no amount of water can touch it. So you can discharge all your worldly responsibilities and at the same time you can stay detached from the world. The purpose of your life will be to gain the meaning and purpose of life. Which ultimately results in salvation. But, to get rid of attachments is not that simple. It is not like that you read my post or some other book, or you listen the discourse of some enlightened master and another moment you are detached from the world. It requires practice, or sadhna. Just have patience and keep learning. Stay aware. Awareness is the key to every divine understanding an knowledge. Namaste for now. Please share my post and subscribe my blog. Thanks a lot.


You suffer more, when you are angry..

What did I learn today, I will tell you in short. I was listening to Sadguru, and he was explaining about the implications of anger.. ...