Wednesday, 6 December 2017

जब तक "मैं", तब तक हरि नाहि।

मदद करने वाले के पीछे भी वो (ईश्वर) है, और मदद पाने वाले के पीछे भी वो है। मदद करने वाले के मन में जो "मैं" है, और मदद पाने वाले के मन में जो "मैं" है, वह बस अज्ञान है।

ज्ञान "मैं" को हटा देता है और एक दूसरे के पीछे खड़े परमात्मा का साक्षात्कार करा देता है। फिर प्राणी समझ जाता है कि दोनों एक ही है। लेकिन जब तक अज्ञान रहता है प्राणी खुद को ही कर्ता समझता रहता है और मन में अहंकार का पोषण करता रहता है। और एक समय अहंकार इतना शक्तिशाली हो जाता है कि प्राणी "मैं" के अतिरिक्त कुछ सोंच ही नहीं पता है और शरीर के जीवनकाल में सत्य को जानने या सत्य के निकट पहुंचने के रास्ते बंद कर देता है।

सबसे अद्भुत स्थिति तो मुझे उन लोगों की लगती है जो अपने-अपने ईश्वर की सुबह-शाम उपासना करेंगे, उपवास करेंगे, ईश्वर के नाम में भंडारे करेंगे किन्तु इन सभी पुण्य कर्मों से भी अपने अहंकार का पोषण ही करते है। क्योंकि जब तक "मैं" नही जाता ईश्वर को स्थान ही नही होता है। ये श्लोक एक दम सही से इस स्थिति का वर्णन करता है, की
जब मैं था, तब हरि नहीं।
अब हरि हैं मैं नाहि।।
सब अंधियारा मिट गया।
जब दीपक देख्या माहिं।।

अतः हम सभी यदि को "मैं" की दीवार को हटाने के लिए और सत्य रूपी परमात्मा से साक्षात्कार के लिए प्रयत्नशील रहना चाहिए।  जहां भी ज्ञान का दीपक दिखाई दे उससे अपने मन के तिमिर को मिटाने का प्रयास करना चहिये।
नमस्कार। कृपया इस पोस्ट को शेयर करें और मेरे और अपने पीछे के परमात्मा से साक्षात्कार में मदद करें।
                                 ।ॐ शांति ॐ।

Friday, 10 November 2017

मृत्यु के बाद भी क्या समाप्त नहीं होता?

जब सिकंदर की मृत्यु हुई तो उसने मरने से पहले ये कह रखा था कि जब उसकी शवयात्रा निकाली जाय तो उसके हाथ ताबूत से बाहर निकाल दिए जाएं। ताकि लोग ये देख सकें कि सिकंदर भी अपने साथ कुछ ना ले जा सका।
ऐसी कई बातें हम धार्मिक गुरुओं से सुनते है तथा धार्मिक पुस्तकों में पढ़ते हैं। लेकिन क्या कुछ ऐसा है जो हम मृत्यु के बाद भी साथ ले जा सकें?
मेरा उत्तर है हाँ। एक चीज है जो हमारे साथ जाती है हर स्थिति में वो है आध्यात्मिक प्रगति। हम अपने जीवन में ऐसे कई लोगों को देखते हैं तथा उनके किस्से भी सुनते जिन्होंने जीवन मे शून्य से शुरू करके अपार प्रगति की तथा अपार सफलता अर्जित की किन्तु जब उनका अंतिम समय आया तो कुछ भी उनके साथ ना गया। किन्तु आध्यात्मिक स्तर पर हम जो भी अर्जित करते है वह सदैव हमारे साथ रहता है। और मृत्यु के बाद भी हमारे साथ ही जाता है, और यह भी निर्धारित करता है कि अगले जन्म में हमारा जीवन किस ओर और किस प्रकार प्रगति करेगा।
ओशो अपने एक भाषण में कहते हैं कि भगवान बुद्ध कोई एक जीवन में बुद्ध नहीं बने थे। वो अपने पिछले कई जीवन के आध्यात्मिक प्रयासों और उनके परिणामों का योग के बाद बने संयोग का परिणाम थे।

किन्तु भगवान बुद्ध या किसी भी ऐसी महान आत्मा जिसका साक्षात्कार परम सत्य से हो चुका हो, के बारे में कोई बड़ी बात कहना मेरी क्षमता के बाहर है। परंतु में यह अवश्य कह सकता हूँ कि आध्यात्मिक प्रगति हमारे साथ रहती है तथा हमारे जीवन का मार्ग प्रसस्त करती है।

अतः हम सभी को भौतिक सुख साधन जुटाने के साथ ही आध्यात्म के लिए समय अवश्य निकालना चाहिए।
अंततः यही हमारी आत्मा का परम उद्देश्य है।

नमस्कार। ॐ शांति ॐ

कृपा करके इसे शेयर करें तथा ब्लॉग को फॉलो करें।
अग्रिम मैं। धन्यवाद।

Sunday, 8 October 2017

मन के भीतर की भीड़।

संसार में शायद कुछ ही लोग होंगे जिन्हें भीड़ से प्रेम होगा। लगभग सभी भीड़ से दूर समय व्यतीत करना चाहते हैं। चाहें कुछ पल ही क्यों न मिलें। जब कोई मानसिक रूप से थकान महसूस करता है तो डॉक्टर भी  यही सुझाव देते हैं कि कुछ दिन भीड़ भाड़ से दूर समय ब्यतीय कीजिये।

लेकिन भीड़-भाड़ से दूर जाके हर किसी को आराम नहीं मिल पाता। शांत जगह भी बैठ के मन के भीतर अशांति रहती है। क्या हम इसका कारण जानते हैं?
इसका कारण है हमारे मन के अंदर की भीड़ जो हमारा साथ नहीं छोड़ती।

लेकिन!!! मन के भीतर की भीड़❔❔❔ ये कैसी भीड़ है?
सामान्यतः बाहरी भीड़ में परिचित ब्यक्ति भी होते हैं और अपरिचित ब्यक्ति भी होते है। किंतु मन की भीड़ में वही लोग होते हैं जिनसे हम परिचित होते हैं। वो ब्यक्ति अपने बिचारों से सकारात्मक तथा नकारात्मक दोनो प्रकार से प्रभावित करते हैं। और हमारे निर्णयों तथा हमारी सोच को प्रभावित करते हैं। हम कई बार खुद को स्वतंत्र करना चाहते हैं किंतु अपने व्यक्तित्व की दुर्बलता के कारण खुद को उनके विचारों से, और इस सोंच से की हमारे कुछ करने से वो क्या सोंचेंगे, से अलग नहीं कर पाते। हम लोग उनके अच्छे या बुरे बिचारों को खुद से चिपका लेते हैं और फिर एकांत जगह मन की शांति की तलाश करते रहते है ठीक वैसे ही जैसे कि कस्तूरी मृग अपने उदर में कस्तूरी लिए कस्तूरी की तलाश में भटकता रहता है। और वो उसे कभी नहीं मिलती।

तो प्रश्न ये उठता है कि समाधान क्या है? कैसे मिले एकांत? कैसे करें इस भीड़ को दूर?
मन की भीड़ से दूर जाने का भी तरीका भी वही है जो बाहर की भीड़ से दूर जाने का है। साधन युक्त व्यक्ति भीड़ को दूर करने के लिए भीड़ से दूर चला जाता है। दुनिया की भीड़ को दूर करने के लिए आपके पास साधन का होना जरूरी है वरना ना चाहते हुए भी आपको रोज बस, मेट्रो में धक्के खाना पड़ता है औऱ ये चलता रहता है क्योंकि आपके पास विकल्प नहीं होता। आपको अपना जीवन चलाने के लिए कार्य करना पड़ता है। साधनवान अपनी साउंडप्रूफ महंगी कार में शीशे चढ़ाता है तथा आफिस में भी एक अकेले के केबिन में बैठता है और समय समय पर छुट्टियां मनाने जाता है। लेकिन मन की भीड़ से शायद वो भी न बच पाता हो। क्योंकि मन की दशा में ये साधन काम नही आते। 
मन में एकांत के लिए जो साधन आवश्यक है वो है एक शक्तिशाली व्यक्तित्व। शक्तिशाली व्यक्तित्व के लिए कुछ घटक है जिनके विकाश से व्यक्तित्व का निर्माण किया जा सकता है।
1. आत्मविश्वास- अपने निर्णय तथा अपनी सोंच पर विश्वास होने पर ही हमारे अंदर आत्मविश्वास का निर्माण होता है। और वो विश्वास हमे तब प्राप्त होता है जब हम ये जानते हैं की हम सही है। हमारी सोंच और हमारा निर्णय सकारत्मक है तथा किसी को नुकसान पहुचने की सोंच से प्रेरित नहीं है। ये हमारे स्वयं के उत्थान के लिए है।

2. समभाव- समभाव से तात्पर्य है कि हम सभी के प्रति समान भाव रखते है। एक ओर जहां हम अपनी स्वतंत्रता तथा अपने मौलिक अधिकारों के प्रति सजग है वही दूसरी ओर हम इस बात का ध्यान रखते हैं कि हम दूसरे प्राणियों के मौलिक अधिकारों तथा स्वन्तंत्रता में सेंध नही लगा रहे।

3. समाज के प्रति संतुलित सोंच- किसी ने सच कहा है कि यदि सभी आपसे खुश है तो आप जरूर दुखी ब्यक्ति हैं। इसलिए हमें ये ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि हम सभी को खुश नहीं रख सकते। लेकिन ये मान लेना भी गलत है कि उपरोक्त कथन का उल्टा , यानी कि सभी को दुखी करने से आप सुखी हो सकते है। समाज में आपके अधिकार भी है और दायित्व भी। इसलिए समाज के प्रति आपकी सोंच का संतुलित होना आवश्यक है। 

उपरोक्त घटकों का सही समन्यवय आपके व्यक्तित्व को शक्तिशाली बनाता है तथा आपके मन के भीतर के निरर्थक बिचारों से मुक्ति देता है। आपको ये नहीं सोचना पड़ता कि आपके संबंध में को क्या सोंच रहा है, क्योंकि आप पहले से ही सबका समन्यवय कर चुके होते है और धीरे धीरे आपका ब्यक्तित्व ही उस आधार पे निर्मित हो जाता है।
अंत तक मेरा लेख पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद। कृपया करके इसे अपने मित्रों के साथ शेयर करे। अपने कीमती comments भी करें। और यदि आप मेरे ब्लॉग को फॉलो करेंगे तो मुझे अति प्रसन्नता होगी। और आपतो जानते ही हैं कि प्रसन्नता बांटने से प्रसन्नता मिलती है।

Monday, 18 September 2017

निराकार का अंश।

साकार तू है
तो क्या हुआ।
निराकार का तू अंश है।।
निर्भीक बन
तू आगे बढ़।
चाहे सामने तेरे
क्यों ना कोई कंस है।।
द्वंद है, विध्वंश है
संकट में जो धर्म है।
तब मन में लिए प्रश्न तू,
अर्जुन नही
कृष्णा का तू अंश है

Friday, 15 September 2017

संसार का संचालक कौन???

हम सभी में से लगभग सारे लोग यह मानते हैं कि ईश्वर इस संसार का संचालक है। ऐसा मानने के साथ ही ये विचार भी अनायास ही आता है कि जब ईश्वर इस संसार को चलाता है तो फिर इस संसार में इतनी बुराई क्यों है?
इस प्रश्न का उत्तर मुझे एक जानकार व्यक्ति से प्राप्त हुआ। उन्होंने समझाया की ईश्वर इस संसार का संचालन नहीं करता। अपितु ईश्वर द्वारा प्रकृति का निर्माण किया गया। जिसे लोग प्रायः माया के नाम से भी जानते है, और उसी माया या प्रकृति के द्वारा इस सम्पूर्ण संसार का संचालन होता है। और सभी प्राणी प्रकृति के नियमों से वाद्य है और कर्मानुसार परिणाम को प्राप्त होते है। अतः ईश्वर को किसी भी घटना या दुर्घटना के लिए उत्तरदायी नहीं ठहराया जा सकता।
उनकी बात को अगर मैं आज के परिपेक्ष् में समझाने की कोशिश करुं तो यह कहना गलत न होगा कि ईश्वर ने प्रकृति या माया नाम के software का निर्माण किया है। जोकि प्राणियों के कर्मो के इनपुट को स्वीकार्य करता हूं तथा उन्ही कर्मों के आधार पर ही परिणाम का आउटपुट देता है। इस सॉफ्टवेयर के भी कुछ निष्चित सिद्धांत है जिनसे यह नहीं हटता।
अतः जैसा प्राणी सॉफ्टवेयर में इनपुट देता है वैसा ही आउटपुट पाने को बाध्य होता है। अब प्रश्न यह उठता हौ की जब सब कर्मों पर आधारित है तो ईश्वर की उपासना से क्या लाभ है?
इस प्रश्न के उत्तर के लिए अगली पोस्ट का इंतजार करें और मेरे इस ब्लॉग को सब्सक्राइब करें। इस पोस्ट को अंग्रेजी में भी ट्रांसलेट करने की में कोशिश करूंगा।
नमस्कार । आपका जीवन मंगलमय हो और ईश्वर की कृपा सभी पर बनी रहे।

कृपया मेरे ब्लॉग को फॉलो करें तथा इस पोस्ट पर अपने comments करें और अपने मित्रों के साथ अवश्य ही शेयर करें।

Monday, 21 August 2017

Excuse the excuses.

Image Credit:
You can judge the character of a man/woman by his response when he/she face the failure. You can not believe a man who makes excuses for his failure or held others responsible for that. The man who takes responsibility for his actions and takes lessons from his failures is always respected.

But why people make excuses? They make excuses because of their inability to conquer the situation and inability to do necessary work before the situation arise. First, they make excuses to themselves, because they don't want to leave their comfort zone. So, those excuses keep them from going after their goal. When the damage is done they make excuses to the world.

Whatever is stopping you chasing your goals, whatever is stopping you leaving your comfort-zone is an excuse. These excuse will have serious repercussion if we don't change. So, before things go out of hands, you need to change. remember-

YOUR LIFE DOES NOT GET BETTER BY CHANCE. IT GETS BETTER BY CHANGE.                                                                                                                                           -Someone in Ted Talk

And a humble request. PLEASE FOLLOW and SHARE my blog and post.. And give your precious comments..

Sunday, 6 August 2017

Indian pre-workout diet.

These days most the guys who go to the gym are using lots of supplements. Sometimes excessive use of these supplements cause health problems.
Hence I would like to share a pre-workout recepie which is completely natural and tried and tested by a reputed Body Builder from India. He is Mr. Mukesh Gehlot. He has won several national and international titles in bodybuilding.
He shared his secret in one of his interview to someone.
In his early days in bodybuilding he use following diet before workout which kept him energetic during the workout and provided necessary nutrition.

The recipe is as follows...

       Few boiled potato
       One bowl of curd.

How to make..

Put the boiled potatoes in the curd, and then mix them together. You can add salt according to your taste. And eat it 15 to 20 minute before you start. Don't eat too much so that you feel heavy.

Well potatoes are full of carbohydrates, and curd is also full of nutrition. So enjoy this simple cheap and best pre workout recepie. Save money and improve health.

Take care. See you soon. And please share with your friends and comment you views.
Thanks a lot.

Friday, 28 July 2017

Let them play?

Any sport is for enjoyment. That should not be taken as war. Sports should be played with the spirit of game and they should be enjoyed with the same spirit.
Players are not the warriors. They are the players who are trying their best to perform and win then game for their team and the nation. When you buy ticket or watch them play on TV, it doesn't mean they are your slave or you are their master. When you throw bad remarks on them look at your self. Have you always been a winner at every aspect of your life. Have you always been honest with your family or with the society. The answers in most of the cases will be "NO".
Then why so much madness when any team could not supercede the efforts of other team.
Just asking.
Please watch game. Enjoy the performance. Don't expect players to fight war for you. They are not loosing by choice. They all give their best. Sometime efforts of one team supercede the efforts of other team and sometime superseded by others. Its just a game. Don't loose calm. Enjoy.
Please share and comment. Don't take personal.

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Knowledge v/s Understanding

As my blog says "Reminding you something important". Hence I am not saying anything new. Everybody knows it. So my point is that if you are suffering because of a bad relationship why don't you apply your knowledge. Or should I say that why can't you apply your knowledge?
The reason is that it is your knowledge. You can not use it or apply it unless you understand it. You can only use what you understand. So you know something is one thing and you understand something is another. 
Everybody knows the formulas to a successful life but only a few lead a successful life. why??? Because they have understood what they know. hence if you are killing your life or relationship, knowing the very reason responsible for it.. just understand what you know and apply for you wonderful future.
Don't procrastinate. Please don't forget to share, and your comments and questions are welcomed.

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Link Your PAN and Adhaar!

Image is taken from Googe Image

Hey friends
Today I am posting something different from which I generally post and this is in INDIAN context. Well, it is about government instruction which is about linking our PAN and Adhaar number together. It is important to stop or reduce the tax evasion.
From 1st July it is mandatory to do so. You can link your PAN and Adhaar by visiting the following link. Click here

Or click/tap here for direct link.

After you click/tap on the above link, you will find a link on left menu as "Link Adhaar". You will also find the link as floating banner on the head of the page.

Non-compliance will lead to cancellation of your PAN number. Which will result in the cessation of you Bank account, and you will also not be able to make transactions where quotation of PAN is necessary.

So please don't delay. Link your PAN and Adhaar soon. And please share with your friends. 

Monday, 26 June 2017

Don't Downplay the Outdone!

Image credit: PixaBay

There are always two reactions for something greatly or amazingly done. First, we praise the doer and admire what has been achieved. This inspires us to do more and better. It also means that somewhere in our mind we are believing that it is possible for us or we can do that.
Second, we will consider that as not true, fake or some software trick. Sometimes we give credit to the luck of the doer or sometime we call it as fluke.
We need to be cautious about our second thought. Whenever we minimise and believe that something greatly done is fake or some trick, we fall for the trick of our mind. We can relax and inspire ourselves to stay in our comfort zone.
It also means that we have conceded our defeat subconsciously. We have decided in our mind that we can not do that or it is beyond our capabilities.
Therefore, abstain ourselves from thinking in negative way, unless there are most obvious reason to believe that.
Even if we believe something fake as true we would be giving our mind a challenge to do more or better. So, it is always good to be positive. We should not be economical in praising or admiring other people's achievements. After all, we all want the same for ourselves.
So, please encourage me by your comments and shares. Please spread our positivity all around. See you soon.

Monday, 19 June 2017

My Senses sense you all the time.

My Pet Sheru. He lived with us for 12 years.

My Senses sense you all the time

In the first Ray of Sun
In the first Drop of Rain
I see You
In the Sound of Water
In the Chirping of Birds
I hear You
I feel You in Fresh Air of Morning
In the Fragrance of Flowers
You are not with Me
I am waiting for You
All the Time
In every Second and every Moment 
I remember You

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Meditation! Anytime Anywhere.

Image credit

A few days back I was talking to my friend. He told me about his stress. So I suggested him that you should Meditate just for 30 minutes during the day and quality of your life will improve and you may also get rid of your stress. Then he told me about his busy life and the lack of chances to have a peaceful or serene place where he can meditate. This is what most of the people think and abstain themselves from the best cure for all the physical or mental ailments.

Even the dictionary got this wrong. In Dictionary Meditation means The practice of deeply thinking in silence, especially for religious reason or in order to make your mind calm." While there are no such requirements for Meditation. In the Meditative state, you neither think nor have any religious reason. For these things, you need your mind, while meditation is a no-mind state. 

Meditation is a state, just like happiness and sadness. If you can be happy or sad in a crowded or chaotic place then you can be meditative also. The only difference is that when you are happy or sad you are attached to your mind and thoughts, and in Meditation, you are just aware of everything. Yes, a serene or peaceful place will be an advantage, but it is not a prerequisite for sure.

So, the question is that how to do the meditation?

I know and used three very popular and easy techniques. 1. Vipassana, 2. Walking with awareness and 3. Sitting with awareness.

1. Vipassana - Vipasyana is simplest and effective technique. You just required to sit in a comfortable position, and then watch your breath with awareness. you can do this anytime and anywhere. Now let me explain how to do it. I don't need to tell you about sitting in a comfortable position. So the catch is is that how to watch the breath. Well, you don't need to count or think that you are breathing in and you are breathing out. you just need to be with the process. just like you don't count the gear number or think that now you need to pull the breaks while you ride the motorbike. you become the process and you don't even think. When you do Vipassana you just watch your breathing process or in other words be with the breathing process. And the good thing is that you get better with practice each day.
Let us imagine again, that no one can live without breathing. So, if breathing becomes the Meditation one can Meditate all the time. In the beginning, you may not see any benefit. but remember you are in the learning process. Once you are good at Vipassana you will see a great turn around in your life. 
SO, How would I know that I am good at Vipassana?
So, the answer is that when you find yourself aware of your breathing while doing your work or you are not doing anything you are really good at Vipasyana.

2.Walking with AWARENESS - It is one of the several other ways to do dynamic meditation. As the title suggest all you need to do is to be aware when you are walking. Just be in that very moment, and walk. You are not required to speak like army men, one two one two one two. Nor you should do this in your mind. Just be with the movements of your body. Like I explained above in the case of vipassana.

3. Sitting with awareness - This Meditation technique requires to sit camly and empty your mind of thoughts. So the question is that how can I empty my mind of thoughts?
Again the answer is AWARENESS. When you become aware of your thoughts they disappear. But in the beginning you may find it very difficult. Because your mind needs thought. It is thought hungry, and negative thoughts are its the best food. So, you just need to watch your thought with awareness and gradually, with practice you will reach in no mind state.

These are three techniques which I have tried successfully. No, I am not some monk. But I do them regularly in small amount, and these are really effective. I can say that on the basis of my experience.

Now am closing this post with best wishes for you. Happy meditating.
Please read and share with your friend. Your comments will encourage me to do better.

PS: In every meditation technique awareness is the key. Whatever you do with awareness that becomes your meditation. So be aware and be meditative. 

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Rhythm of my pain.

This poem is written by my friend. He asked me to share it on my blog so here it is..

Rhythm of my pain is out of tune,
Perhaps the strings of my feeling are
There was no pain and feelings had a
After I reached the acme of my life
Her footsteps were missing.

Please Share and comment few words for him. Please Click here to subscribe. 

Thursday, 25 May 2017


"Priority" a thing that is regarded as more important than others.

We all know the dictionary meaning of this word. But to stand with the successful people we are required to set our priorities very seriously. We all know and have set our priorities already. Still we don't smell the success. Why? Because we are not honest with our self and our set goals.

When we have a priority then no other thing should come in our way. We can never compromise on our priorities. We must give the required efforts in a thing or work which is more important than others, only after that we can move on other things. This must be the rule.

When we break this rule we are minimising our chances, and slowing down our speed to get what we need. When we do this more often it becomes a habit. More bad habits we develop more we prepare ourselves to get in conditions we don't want.

When we work hard on our priorities. We deserve success. When be start avoiding priorities for momentary pleasure or be lost battle against procrastination be loose that deserving title, we become needy from deserving, and when we keep repeating this we become a failure.

So, today is the day to wake up. Set your priorities and respect them, love them and be a unstoppable force.

Wish you a wonderful day. Help me with your share and comments. It will inspire me to do better and express my thoughts in more precise and eloquent way. Thanks a lot.

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Time, Is it the most valuable thing?

Image credit:
Often you have listened people saying that time is most precious thing. Time is most valuable thing. But it always confuses me. Because if it was true then everyone would save time and no body will waste it. While we have seen that most of the people will spent hours to save some money, or on things which will yield nothing.
Yes, its true that most successful people always respect time. They never waste their time on useless activities, they only invest their time in useful activities. But we see that nobody is as conscious about it as they would be about money. (It doesn't make money the most precious thing. That is totally a different topic.)
So, I realised that actually time is not a subject. It is not a commodity to be valued as valuable or non valuable. It is actually a FACTOR which makes things valuable or non valuable. For example if at some point of time you are extremely thirsty and you see no sign of water around you. Then somebody appears with a glass of water and he demands $100 for that glass of water. You are feeling that without that water you will die then at that time you will pay $100. And at another point of time if you are perfectly hydrated and you also have a spare bottle of water with you. If at that time somebody offers that glass of water even for free you won't accept that. So when the time factor was not in your favour that glass of water was pretty valuable and another point  of time when the time factor was in your favour that glass of water had no value at that time.
So, Rich people respect time, that is why the time factor is always on their side. And when we don't respect time factor, we have to play a handicapped match.
Hence, even if the time is not a commodity to buy, sale or save. It is a important factor to gain an advantage in any situation. That is why we should always respect the time factor. We should always make provisions for time factor so that we always has advantage of time.
So, take a first step right now. Waste no time and share this post with your friends and follow my blog. ;)
Thanks for coming. See you soon.

Friday, 19 May 2017

Past vs Present.

Today you are not happy, because yesterday I was not with you. While we can laugh and enjoy the moment, we are arguing on why I was not there at some time in the past.
It is like you are not enjoying a great meal now because you were hungry some day.
In the same way when you have issues today and you need to resolve them now you are basking in glory of your glorious past. If you are focusing on this moment you can resolve your issues. And your happiness is nowhere to go.
Life don't progress in this way, In this way you only create misery when you can laugh dance and be intoxicated in the elixir of bliss.
So, let the past go. But always keep the lesson.
Some wise man rightly said-
Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is mystery 
Today is a gift
That's why
We call is present.

Please +1, share and comment. Your support is appreciable. Thanks a lot for your visit.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

"Procrastination", Most expensive luxury.

There are many rich people in the world, and few among them are the richest. They have every luxury of the world except one. And that luxury is "PROCRASTINATION". Yes, procrastination is luxury and the richest don't have it. Because, had they been so lazy to enjoy procrastination they have not attained the title of the richest.
The good thing about the procrastination is that the poorest can enjoy it. And the worst thing is that IF YOU ARE ENJOYING THIS THEN SOON YOU BECOME POOR OR IT CAN MAKE YOU WORTHLESS. Chances are that you are already living a life which you don't like. But you are clinging to it because some how you are enjoying this.
So the point is that how can we get rid of this. It is difficult to throw any kind of luxury, but if it taxing your life and future and your ability to do better in life then it is the wisest thing to do. So, to get rid of this luxury we simply need to consider few things.
1. ACKNOWLEDGE. Most of the people don't want to accept it. But to solve any problem you first need to recognize the problem. Then only you can work upon that.
2. Don't procrastinate when you want to get rid of it. Yes, the most important thing is that if you want to get rid of procrastination then don't procrastinate to take the steps.
3. Strengthen your will. We procrastinate because we lack will to execute our plans. We lack will to act. Our will depreciate over the time when we keep indulging in habits which are not good for us. So generally we can't have unshakeable will out of sudden to jump start. Start with small things, be regular with them and then increase the intensity slowly. And when you are on track take big steps.
4. Don't reiterate old habits. When you are completely on track then don't fall for your old habits again. You can't not spoil all your efforts.
5. Awareness is the key. This is very important. Always be vigilante about your actions. Be conscious. If you are aware you can't have bad habits. We fall for bad habits when we fall for momentary pleasure. And then we keep reiterating those things being unaware.
6. Be spiritual love life around you. This is the last thing but most important. To keep a healthy and happy mind we must we sensitive towards the life around us. Whether its a dog, cat or it is just a flower. Just love the life in them. Connect with them. Soon you will realize change.
So friend this procrastination seems very intoxicating but actually it's just a mirage. It is luxury of worthless people. As long as we are clinging to it, we can not live a life which we can live otherwise.
This luxury is most expensive because for other luxuries we lost money but for this we lost life.
Wake up. Have a wonderful life. And please comment, share and follow my blog. You will make somebody happy with you support.
Thanks a lot.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Escape velocity, Gravity and Motivation..

If you are working hard for your success, or to stand out of the crowd. But you are disappointed by the backchat and stupid behaviour of people around you. Then you should take your inspiration from the ROCKET. Yes the rocket. Why?
Because, to reach its destination and to stand out of other vehicle it requires escape velocity. To get that it constantly push itself up. It don't fall for the gravity. And finally it reaches its destination. Not every vehicle reaches in the space.
So, if you want to stand out, if you want to change the way people look at you. You can not fall for gravity. All these back chats, all cursing and efforts to hurt you, by the people around you, work as gravity for you. But you need to constantly push yourself up.
Sometime your own attitude works as gravity. You limit your thinking. You doubt yourself. This is because you have been listening to these people, who drag you down, for a very long period. You know somewhere in your heart that you are here to do something bigger. But you say yourself that you are not ready yet. First I will prepare myself then I will start my journey.
But believe me my friend. You will never be ready. But you are always ready to take one step further from where you are right now. And this one step every day will take you close to your destination, to your destiny.
So, boot up and suit up. Step ahead. And share my post and comment what you think. Give me your support. Wish you all the very best.

Friday, 12 May 2017

How many e-mail accounts we should keep?

This post is important for those who use just one e-mail account for all purposes. Yes, they are justified, because we get so many emails everyday that it is very difficult to maintain more than one  e-mail account. SPAM is another issue.
Still I will ask you to keep at least 3 e-mail accounts. You will ask me, why? And your question is valid. So here is the answer.

1. These days most of the people use Android base smart phones. To login you need to have a gmail account. So have this e-mail account for your android sign up and you can also use this e-mail id for general communication.

2. The second e-mail account for banking and other financial services, e.g. demat account. YOU WILL ASK, WHY A SEPARATE ACCOUNT FOR BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES?
I am asking you to maintain a separate account because if anybody knows your e-mail then it become easier to reset a new password of your account with other information which otherwise is difficult if he doesn't know your email address. So not only keep a separate e-mail but also keep it secret. If you do this your banking access will always be more secure.

3. The third e-mail is for social networking. And the reason is same. There are many people who want to access your social networking account. Even your naughty friend will gain access if he gets your password. And this secret e-mail will certainly add another level of security.
So keep these two e-mail accounts separate and secret. Add more security to your information.

Please comment and share with your friends. I need your support. Thanks a lot.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

The existence/nature is not biased.

Stop whining, complaining and staying in the comfort zone. Come out of it and start working.
Anyone can be biased against you but this nature/existence. It gives us everything. We can extract or gather what ever we need to become what we want. This nature gives us all the opportunity with the assurance that our efforts won't be lost. They will give results for sure. But if we are so habitual to live in the dark, and we won't do anything which doesn't suits us. Then we will reach nowhere.
This attitude has not done anything good till now. Neither it will be beneficial in future. If you really want some change then first thing is to avoid this habit of enjoying the rut.
Yes, If you are not doing anything to come out of your rut then somewhere you are enjoying it.
You have no right to blame anyone else but yourself. So you better come out of your comfort zone, and act.
Wish you all the best.

And a sincere request to please like, share and comment. And please follow.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Reading and Learning

FACT: Reading and learning new things make us smart and keeps us young.

I have read in several books and articles that reading and learning new things keeps our mind young and makes us smart. So, if you are not a voracious reader then you must promise yourself that you will inculcate this habit. Get rid of excuse that I don't have time. Everyone has time for good things and but be waste that time on unproductive activities.

If you read about the most successful people you will know that they all are great readers. They invest plenty of time on reading and learning new things on daily basis. In olden time only a few those who were in the profession of studying/learning and teaching have means for studying great books and subjects and they were considered smart.They were respected in the society. While in current scenario we all have information and knowledge floating all around us. We also have means to get and capture that knowledge and our comfort.

It is a proven fact that you will be smarter "if you read something" than "you read and learn nothing". But if your source of knowledge is good and authentic then you will be smarter. In today's world when everyone has availability of books on every topic and electronic media to reach the source anywhere and anytime, there the quality and how much time you spent on productive things will decide your mental wellbeing. Who will study more and learn more will we smarter and successful.

But some wise man has said that "It is not about what you know, but it is about what you do consistently". Means, we need to apply our knowledge in order to be successful. If we read we will be smart but without the application of our smartness we can not accomplish. 

Without knowledge, the action may result in the waste of time and efforts and Without action, knowledge will fetch nothing. So, I wish you all a happy learning. Be smart and be successful.
If you have reached this far then you are obviously a great reader. Please comment, like and share my post. I will be very grateful if you subscribe to my blog. Click here to subscribe. 

Tuesday, 11 April 2017


Success is not about having loads of money, great career. Success is not about pleasing others or gaining praise from others. Success is also not having unlimited power.

Success is understanding that what you want and achieving that. It doesn't matter whether your achievements are big or small. Whether others are praising or not. If those achievements can bring satisfaction to you then you are successful. you don't need anybody's certification.

All you need to listen to your conscience consciously. Because you must have seen people with big achievements with a sad face. You must have also seen a poor laborer with a smiling face after getting a reward at the end of the day.

Don't run behind the goal set by others for you. You can not fulfill their expectation, you just need to pursue what is going to make you happy. Others can feel happy by earning a huge package while their parents are struggling at home with their old age, but there are chances that you can be happy only if you are serving your parents in the time when they need you. 

I am not saying that others are wrong. Big money and living in a big city is their goal. They are doing what they want. But you don't need to go to what the world think is right. Go with your reason. 

So, Just in case, after all the endeavor, you are not feeling life in you. Just sit for a while and INTROSPECT. Then, march towards your very personal journey. you will smile for sure.

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Winter and the tree

I took this pic during winter. Though this tree doesn't have any leaf still it was looking so beautiful.
It looks like that it is looking in the sky spreading its arm and wanted to accumulate all the energy of the universe, (as we all do sometimes) to cope up with the winter.


Monday, 3 April 2017

Neighbour and Relative issue.

Question: What's the way to neutralise the annoying and negative neighbours and relatives? Nothing can make them happy and always criticise every action whether it concerns them or not.

Answer: Negativity affects you only if you are at same frequency. Said by some wise man. So first thing is to change your frequency.

Second thing is that have mercy on these low life. Let them live. The only person criticise others when he has nothing good to do in his life. So they find meaning for living by criticising you. They are totally asleep, unaware of the repercussion of this.

Just practice to ignore them. My way to tackle them is that I don't hear them and I don't listen them. Just forgive them. And forgiving them not for them but for your own benefit.

If you have grudges in your mind it will eat your mind and time. So just have mercy and let them live. Make way for your peaceful life. Don't let anybody drag you back its in your own hand.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Happy forever..

Yes. The Line is very catchy, and it is easy and very much possible. Many people won't agree with me, many will think that I will talk about meditation technique or some will say that it is not possible.
Though I said above that it is easy and very much possible but now I will say that it is provided you practice. In the beginning, it is difficult but in few days you will be in paradise where there is nothing like boredom or purposelessness.

But how?

To achieve this I will ask you think about a small kid. Have you every seen a kid who is bored or purposeless? In a normal family where kids are given the attention which is necessary you will see a kid is always busy and never bored. So everyone would like to be like a kid that even if he/she doesn't have anything great to do he/she always fresh and does not feel bored or purposeless. So I will tell you what I observe watching is kid.

1. Kids always CURIOUS. but you will say that kids are curious because everything is new for them, how can a grown man be like this? I will say that it is the limitation of your thoughts that you can not find anything new to learn. Can you confidently say that you know everything? I think the answer is "no". So to make this-this EASY for you I will re-phrase this task.
You always have few things in your mind which you want to learn or you want to know about but you cannot work on them because of your busy life. So, whenever, by luck, you a find yourself bore or have nothing to do you can use this time to work on your these interest and you will feel that time has flown in a blink of an eye.

2. Kids keep them in a moment. This keeps them fresh. The Past or Future dwelling may be amusing but this comes with some desire to be in those moments again or if you think about future then you want to be there fast. But being in a moment does not get you in any desires.

3. Kids DON'T JUDGE PEOPLE. They know who are their family and who are strangers. But they don't judge all the time. If you smile they will smile back or If you don't give a positive look they don't give a damn to you. This third quality is to avoid the negative thoughts. If you are judging people and care about unnecessary people, they come and capture your mind when you have free time and you can not focus on above two things.  

People can give you a list but I think these are three basic and simple things which are necessary to be happy and engaged and to not feel bored.
Obviously, this requires some practice. After some time other things won't matter at all. In the beginning it difficult because mind feeds on negative thoughts. I don't know why our mind like to gather all the things which make us feel miserable. But little practice can help us a lot.

All the best. Be happy forever.

OM Namha Shivay.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Three people

There are three kinds of people.
One, who has nothing and will show off like the whole world works on their instructions. But believe me, nobody believes them. everybody know what are they. They also have the lowest self-esteem. 

Second, those who really are something and they don't mind bragging about what they have. And finally the third kind...

They will never tell anything to anybody, they will never brag about what they have and even the closest to them will never know their girth. They work silently and have no interest in people knowing what they are. I think this is the best kind. There is nothing in making unnecessary noise. 

Monday, 27 March 2017

There can't be a better than a life which is full of love and peace.

Most of the time hate or conflicts bring no good. Only love and peace can make your life worth living. But when you create conflicts out of nowhere it gives you something to your mind which loves to feed itself on negativity. It fills you with pride by looking someone with disgust. But this fulfillment is no good. It will make you hollow because it is breaking you up with someone.

Breaking is not good. Making is good it is the basic. While this breaking is weakening you, simultaneously your ego is bulking up. This will make your journey heavy. And if you keep breaking up with people because of unnecessary reasons, you are going to crash at some point.

Yes, sometimes you are on the other side. When someone is not doing anything good for his life, and because of the frustration he/she finding someone to blame and picks you. then you don't have much choice. But what can you do?

Either you can avoid him/her. Or try to make him/her understand in your way and what language he/she prefer. But always try to avoid these things happening in your life. Because "There can't be a better than a life which is full of love and peace."

You suffer more, when you are angry..

What did I learn today, I will tell you in short. I was listening to Sadguru, and he was explaining about the implications of anger.. ...